Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fall Holidays Part II

Here are some photos from Kitah Aleph's fall holiday celebrations. Looks like the kids had a great time!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall Holidays at Gan Avraham

September and October were busy months for our preschoolers.

The High Holiday season kicked off with Rosh Hashanah. The children loved eating apples and honey, and got to make delicious round challahs topped with cinnamon and sugar. Here's a recipe for Apple Raisin Muffins the kids made:

And, of course, everyone loved Rabbi Bloom's unforgettable hit, the Rosh Hashanah Macarena!

 For Yom Kippur, the kids talked about the importance of saying "I'm sorry" when you hurt someone.  There was a lively morning children's service the morning of Yom Kippur, where Rabbi Bloom and his son, Micah, led the service via puppets - "Then the whale spat Jonah out onto the beach - blech!"  The kids were really excited when Micah blew the shofar!!!

Sukkot followed Yom Kippur and each classroom built their own sukkah. The children took turns shaking the lulav and etrog, built and decorated the classroom's sukkah, and enjoyed a short field trip to TBA's big sukkah behind the sanctuary.

Supper in the Sukkah was held on October 3rd. Gan families shared food, performed the mitzvah of eating and praying in the sukkah, and enjoyed a sing-along with Rabbi Bloom.

What was your child's favorite part of celebrating the holidays at Gan Avraham?  Please share in the comments section. We'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Great First Week

It's been a great first two weeks at Gan Avraham.  Because of our fabulous and experienced teaching staff and a smooth new transition with our new Director Barbrara, things have gone swimmingly.  Enjoy some pictures of the kids in the yard and parents at the Back to School Coffee!  But first, a Rosh Hashana greeting from the Bloom family.  Click below.

Rosh Hashana Macarena

It's OK to smile guys!

Look what I can do!

We rule the school in Gimel!

Don't fence me in!

Best friends forever!

I think this thing is for digging...

Sliding is so fun!

Twins getting comfy.

 And the parents seemed to be having fun too.  If the kids are happy, so are the parents...

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Last Days of Summer at Frog Park

We had a great turnout for the back to school Gan Avraham Playdate/Picnic at FROG park! Lots of families were there including incoming Aleph families and kids who are new to the Gan. Kids were back to climbing together and chasing each other in no time! The parents all had fun reconnecting too. Families brought their own picnics and kids were happy to share snacks with each other. They are all excited to go back to school, or get started at the Gan for the first time!